Monzo credit score
Credit scores are an important part of anyone’s financial life — yet half of all adults in the UK have never checked theirs. Usually, the process is opaque, complicated and confusing. We brought credit scores into the Monzo app — letting people check theirs in just a few taps.
My contribution
Product strategy User research Product design
The team
1 × product manager 2 × product designers 6 × engineers 1 × researcher 1 × marketer

Over three months we built out a completely new product for Monzo. We partnered with TransUnion to provide customer’s credit information.
We regularly heard from customers that people don’t know what credit scores are, what they mean, and why they’re important. So we worked hard to repackage TransUnion’s raw information into an experience that helped our customers.
We focussed our efforts on education and giving customers the information they need to take action.

We released the first version of our credit score product to 10,000 Monzo customers. We allowed people to check their credit score with just a few taps — and helped people to understand credit scores.
Now available to all Monzo customers as a key part of the updated Monzo Plus package.